In May, a pre-certification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard was made at Slavianskaya TPP and in the administration of Donbassenergo. In general, the audit was successful: independent auditors highlighted a high degree of personnel training (despite the fact that 9001 standard is the most difficult one), especially in such most important areas as operation and repair, fuel supply, management of economy and finance, IT support.
The pre-certification audit is essentially a general rehearsal of certification: it is made by external independent auditors and, unlike internal audits, is more like an examination than a consultation.
The few aspects that need to be further improved include familiarization of all employees with the Quality Policy, which declares the goals and obligations of Donbassenergo as a producer of electricity and heat in relation to ensuring the quality of processes and the final product.